Hey Kids, Comics! #322 - Hit the Streets: Seduction of the Gun

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In the real world, law enforcement officers of every variety have a trusty sidearm and, at times, rifles or machine guns at their disposal.  It is simply a necessity.  In comics most street level heroes tend to eschew firearms in favor of powers or high tech devices that are less likely to be lethal.  Yet there are exceptions to every rule.

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This week’s installment of “Hit the Streets” finds Andrew Farmer and Cole Houston under the gun as it were as they explore pistol-packing and heavily armed super heroes.  Not simply firearms, either, but your hosts include any kind of ballistic weapon in the catalog when it comes to “gunning for crime”.

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Get ready for an arsenal of comic characters who have chosen the gun as part of their field equipment when they go out on the mean streets to stamp out, or shoot out, crime!

Oh Ghost, how did we forget thee?

Oh Ghost, how did we forget thee?