Hey Kids, Comics! #352 - Rougeish I's III: Flash Mob - Unseasonal

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A “Hey Kids, Comics!” tradition returns with a brand new arc exploring the Rogues Gallery of a specific super-hero! Originally recorded in 2020, the first issue of this Flash-based arc is now finally seeing the light of day. Ironic since the Flash is far quicker than JediCole has been on recovering his site from the Covid-19 doldrums.

When it comes to super-heroes and their personal collection of villains, Flash truly defined the idea of the Rogues Gallery to the point that his arch-nemeses took up that mantle collectively! So it is that Flash’s Rogues Gallery is finally getting the Rogueish I’s treatment, beginning with the meteorological baddie known as Weather Wizard!

Discover not only the master of rainy days and more, but also the concept of the Rogues Gallery and what they stand for as a group. Who would have thought they play by their own set of rules when it comes to being super-criminals in the DC Universe. So prepare to get wet or cold or hot or breezy as Andy and Cole take on the Weather Wizard, but nearly as well as Barry Allen!